Saturday, May 2, 2009


Marvelous, uncompromising success, enacted
inside the very core of the worlds
most interesting, most engaging

Exceptional glimpses into the dense,
unknowable, flaking edges of
the least seen applications involved.

Euphoric attempts to rob the essence
of all basic utterances uttered only
by the most poigniant rythyms held
sacred to even affected or detatched

Fascinating, engaging dialogue,
permeated at every sector of it's
spherical, tidy substructure with
basic, innate, universal episodes
that determine the ending order
of all events pertaining to sleep,
nourishment, and love.


I gets on my nerves. It graits on
my nerves. It exasperates me.
It makes me crazy. It irks me.

It gets at my nerves. It astounds
me. It messes with me. It hurts
to think about. It just kills me.

It just floors me. It just gets all
over my nerves. It graits on my
nerves. I hate it. It blows my mind.

It kills me. It just gets on all
my nerves. It exasperates me
to no end. I just can't stand it.


Samantha was a cat
at my Aunt Ann's house.
A smooth diary held
the clasp on it.
Wait just a little longer.
Hand me a down comb.
The free world walks
into a bar.
Me and the down-home
boys would and will
get into nothing more
or less than Aunt Ann's
Montana offered me a
brisky Nebraska, only
to India give it, and
arm Austria with a palette
of palette knives that were
created for the sole
circus of clowning and
miming around the streets
of greed
without answering the
original question I had
asked it anyway.

But back to Samantha.
Samantha was a long,
black, slithering memory
in nostalgic sepia colors
that ate food and bit
people at Aunt Ann's house.

She wore an amazingly
alarmingly sharp tweed
coat that she kept clean
by licking it.
Her arms had black
cat hair and were very
large and muscular from
gym training and exercise.
The weekly allowance Samantha
was given was roughly
One hundred and sixty-two
dollars and zero-fourth
one hundredths
with a line after it
on the check.
If Samantha ever had
bills to pay, she would
stack them like a card
house in front of my front
door on the welcome matt,
and since my door opens
to the outside, an "outty",
I would knock over the
bills and feel embarrassed
as friends and neighbors
walked by.


Granted, it's quiet, being just inside-
No. Outside the U.S. North Dakota
stretches thought. Friendless. Past the land called "bad".
This slow prairie is home to a strata
of noble laggards, lookers on. Uff-da.

Being here is watching intramurals.
WATCHING them. America's bleachers. Sit.
I miss being involved, invisible.
I miss America, sound, feeling fat.
I hate this squelch of verbs, this life pulled taut.


My neck hurts from
watching you dart
around, planning
and cleaning things.
You have to stand still
to do dishes, and
when you get to that
I come behind and pinch
at your shoulders.
You hold up a plate
and I look at you
in it. Your eyes are
lines crossing out things
in fives.
Behind your eyes, your
brains loaves sit
stiff in their seatbelts.
I want to free them,
let them hang down
and sigh. I wish
I could type HOW
into your shoulders.


Art books sit on the bookshelf.
The brown suitcase passes
for a brown dog at your feet.
Now you enter the kitchen area.
The see-through brown cup up
there on the shelf.
Now mingling through dishes
in the still wet dishes rack.
You have found your blue
mug. And now you can drink
some coffee.
You are pretending the phone
will ring now but it doesn't.
You have a green phone.
Yes you do. The Ocean
sounds CD is being read
by the red CD light in
your CD player.
Oh, you could handle 2
or 3 noons sometimes.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

OH arng at one of dem dat carvy.

I can't tell you any more no more not them in.

A bug is an ancient artificial cration, done so by the magistrate of boots.


I cna see tthurs no talkking too u.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

ON onothar note

Sometimes I can feel the bank of overdraft. It almost consumes me when it longingly looks like that... like some kind of awful sweet boba cake. Spoke though. It tried to count that one.

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I'm an artist, born and living in Western North Carolina. I paint, animate, make films, write poems, write music, and shamelessly show off on the internet. Isn't that annoying?