Saturday, May 2, 2009


Marvelous, uncompromising success, enacted
inside the very core of the worlds
most interesting, most engaging

Exceptional glimpses into the dense,
unknowable, flaking edges of
the least seen applications involved.

Euphoric attempts to rob the essence
of all basic utterances uttered only
by the most poigniant rythyms held
sacred to even affected or detatched

Fascinating, engaging dialogue,
permeated at every sector of it's
spherical, tidy substructure with
basic, innate, universal episodes
that determine the ending order
of all events pertaining to sleep,
nourishment, and love.

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sponk bink

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I'm an artist, born and living in Western North Carolina. I paint, animate, make films, write poems, write music, and shamelessly show off on the internet. Isn't that annoying?